In today’s digital era, most aspects of our lives are influenced by technology. The introduction of the internet, social media platforms, and different software applications stir the traditional way of life. Acquiring knowledge becomes a lot easy. In just a matter of...
Klutch Blog
10 Knowledge Sharing Methods for a Better Workplace
Knowledge management and sharing are essential for any company. Employees and customers alike need to have access to an efficient and clear knowledge base, or your business could suffer. Implementing the correct knowledge sharing methods can not only enhance the way...
Guru Alternatives for Better Knowledge Management
Guru is knowledge management wherein companies use this for managing marketing teams, support, and sales. You can create your knowledge network for your company, and at the same time, you can manage the collective intelligence by unifying the joint knowledge, and it...
7 Ways in Which Internal Knowledge Bases Support Project Managers
An internal knowledge base, which is a very useful tool, is at the heart of this quest. But what is a knowledge base on the inside? Simply put, it is a collection of information, ideas, and data that is kept in one place and used by an organisation as a source of...
Top 10 Accounting Software and Calculators For Startup Employees
We've compiled a list of the ten best accounting software and calculators to help you save money! These tools will make it easy to keep track of your income and expenses and stay on top of your budget. How to save money as a startup employee? All startup employees can...