How to Analyze Knowledge Base Performance

by | Nov 23, 2022 | Knowledge Base

A knowledge base is a buildup of information that you can draw on for your business. If you run a website, you already know that. However, you may not understand how important it is for you to achieve your goals. In the meantime, use the Google cloud hosting so that your website runs securely.

Your knowledge base may be well-designed, but if you don’t analyze its performance from time to time, you may not be able to develop the best strategies and get the results you want. Data analytics includes several different aspects, and you must also keep your personnel in mind, which is why you should be informed of everything to start evaluating each process. 

Read on and find out more about how to analyze the performance of your knowledge base, as well as each feature you should keep in mind. 

Questions to ask

Running a business is a challenging process, and you must consider various factors. Your team can’t work together if you don’t analyze your information, which is why using knowledge base management software is crucial. 

Your metrics can track several different aspects of your performance, but you should make sure that your business works properly to help you achieve your goals. 

To guarantee that your business helps you get the results you want, examining data analytics is essential. However, you must ask yourself different questions – you can’t simply grab random numbers and start drawing conclusions. 

A good place to start is to ask, “does this knowledge reach the audience the business is trying to attract?” on many occasions, you might notice it doesn’t, which is vital to take the necessary steps to improve. 

At the same time, you should also wonder if your team is doing the best job they can. You want them to not only attend to your customers but also guarantee that they come back. If they’re not helpful enough or too annoying, it might hinder your progress, so make sure you’re aware of everything that’s going on. 

Introduce Performance Analytics

If you use a knowledge base, data analytics are some of the most important factors to keep in mind. With that information, you can draw conclusions and determine what’s wrong with what you’re already doing, which allows you to develop better strategies for the future and guarantee that your methods help you achieve your goals. 

Knowledge base management software is immensely useful, but you need to strongly consider reading data analytics. The numbers don’t lie, and they can help you make the best decisions for the next content you want to publish. 

In other words, data analytics gives you information about the content you already have, which is ideal since you can quickly point out what worked and what didn’t. After that, you can make better posts and optimize your pages to ensure they work properly each time a new visitor clicks on your site. 

The data analytics of your knowledge base include different metrics, such as the total likes your page has, the dislikes, the reads, its views, and so on. Suppose that your site has many views and reads but not so many likes. In that case, you could try to improve the content to make it more engaging. 

Another example could be the opposite of what was previously mentioned. You have many likes, but not many reads, which could mean that either bots are liking what your post or people are doing it without reading the whole content. In any case, it hinders your process and doesn’t let you reach your goals, so why not try to change it? 

Audit Configuration 

Relying on audit configuration is one of the best strategies you could use when you’re focused on data analytics. It helps you get precise information about what you’re doing, and it includes details you may not get anywhere else. 

Your knowledge base includes an audit configuration feature, which lets you track all the actions related to your site do along with more detailed information. It helps you, for instance, to know who posted in the last few days, what time they uploaded the post, and much more. Therefore, if you want to measure your site’s performance, this is a fantastic option to keep in mind. 

Assess Your Top-visited Pages

Sometimes, some pages on your website might have more visits than others. Several posts could pop out, which might make you wonder why they’re so popular among your audience. 

Everyone likes different things because humans are unique, but having preferences is also normal. Visitors may feel attracted to some of your posts depending on their content, approach, and much more.  

Thus, taking a close look at your successful pages is one of the best strategies you can use when you’re measuring data analytics. Try to determine what made them succeed and replicate it in your less-successful pages, which might help you grow your engagement and improve your strategy. 

Check Site Visits

Site visits are, of course, one of the most important factors to keep in mind, especially when talking about data analytics. They’re a specific number that shows if new visitors are coming or not. 

A steady flow of new visitors is essential to keep any business running because they’re the people who can eventually turn into clients. Nonetheless, the only way to know if individuals are interested in your site or not is to check how many of them are visiting it. 

Some people believe site visits are overrated, but they’re not. They’re crucial and you can’t improve your site if you don’t have that information to build a new strategy. 

Conversations Resolved on First Contact 

This is a specific metric, and it’s immensely useful. It shows how many times your workers solved conversations by simply sending one document from your knowledge base. 

If the number is high, it means you need to improve the way you present information to your clients. The rate of conversations resolved on first contact implies that your visitors would not have reached out to your workers if they had the document on their own. Consequently, you should try to guarantee that they can find the information they need. 

List Down the Failed Searches 

Another convenient metric for your knowledge management software is the number of failed searches you get, which refers to all the searches your customers put in and never give any viable results. 

The number of failed searches might be a fantastic metric to keep in mind. Nonetheless, you can also look at the phrases themselves, and that can be an essential factor as well. 

When visitors, for example, constantly look for a specific term and the search fails, it might be time for you to consider rewriting some docs to guarantee they can find it. 

Check if Your Docs Are Relevant in Issue Replies 

Understanding how your workers use your help documents is vital for data analytics when you want to optimize your knowledge management software usage. It helps you directly track how many times your employees share a specific doc, when they share it, and much more. 

On some occasions, for instance, you might find that your workers regularly use documents when you first upload them, and then they eventually stop after the docs get older. In that case, it might mean that you need to frequently update the information to guarantee that it stays relevant. 

Developing Your Action Plan 

Having an action plan is vital, especially if you’re trying to use knowledge management software to improve your business strategy. 

A business can’t succeed without a plan, and even though analyzing your knowledge management software analytics is a fantastic idea, you need to put your thoughts into action and decide the best paths to take next. 

Once you identify your flaws, you should make a list and try to identify different alternatives you could try. Even though finding the ideal option may be hard at first, you need to start somewhere. Luckily, data analytics always gives you a clear picture of what you need, which is why it’s so useful. 

Schedule Your Latest Updates 

After you have your plan, you need to start scheduling all the updates and new features you want to implement on your page. You can’t simply change everything at once because it might hinder user-friendliness and overall performance, so your team must work together to identify the best moments to begin introducing changes. 

Keeping your page updated is essential, and that’s one of the reasons why your knowledge base exists. It powers your business and helps you analyze different aspects to guarantee your site gets visitors and you achieve all the goals you set for yourself. 


Data analytics is one of the most vital aspects of running a business. It helps you see actual numbers related to your performance and the results you’re getting, which is immensely helpful if you want to know the truth about your work. 

Although interpreting data from your page might be challenging at first, once you get used to identifying the key features, everything can be much more straightforward. Your knowledge base is a powerful tool, and if you develop the right strategies, you can achieve your goals.

Suggestion for you

Save time by using professionally designed documents and spreadsheet templates created by Klutch.